103. Eggless Chocolate Banana Cake. How to make eggless chocolate banana cake recipe. This cake does not need frosting unless you like your cake to be very chocolaty. Then try this rich and moist vegan chocolate banana cake. The flavor of bananas is very mild that you will hardly notice it. The chocolate cake recipe is egg free already.
All I did was to substitute a cup of pureed sauerkraut with a cup of pureed banana and made it vegan by substituting canola oil for the. The mild sweet whole wheat healthy chocolate banana cake extracts most of its sweetness from the overripe bananas. I always buy banana as its the only fruit other than apple my kid eat. Anda bisa membuat 103. Eggless Chocolate Banana Cake menggunakan 10 bahan dan 6 langkah. Begini cara membuat 103. Eggless Chocolate Banana Cake yang benar.
Bahan-bahan 103. Eggless Chocolate Banana Cake
- Anda perlu 250 ml of susu cair coklat.
- Anda perlu 50 gr of DCC, dicincang.
- Anda perlu 150 gr of gula pasir.
- Anda perlu 1/4 sdt of garam.
- Siapkan 125 gr of terigu.
- Anda perlu 30 gr of coklat bubuk.
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt of BPDA.
- Anda perlu 50 ml of minyak.
- Siapkan 135 gr of pisang, dilumatkan.
- Siapkan 80 gr of keju, diparut.
He likes it only when it is just ripe and if its over ripen, no one touches it at home. When you need, you can use it upto a month. You can thaw it in microwave and bake this eggless chocolate banana cake. Dust it with some powdered sugar or enjoy as such with a cup of coffee!
Step by Step Membuat 103. Eggless Chocolate Banana Cake
- Masukkan susu cair, DCC, gula pasir & garam ke dlm milkpan. Panaskan api kecil sambil diaduk2 sampai semua larut. Angkat..
- Campur lalu ayak terigu, coklat bubuk & BPDA..
- Setelah uap panas dr campuran susu hilang, masukkan campuran terigu lalu whisk perlahan asal rata..
- Beri minyak, pisang & keju lalu aduk asal rata..
- Tuang ke loyang yg dialasi baking paper, kukus selama 45 mnt dg api kecil..
- Setelah matang segera keluarkan dr pengukus, angkat cake beserta baking papernya & letakkan pd cooling rack. Setelah 20 mnt poles dg sedikit buttercream, taburi dg topping sesuka hati..
Serve your eggless banana chocolate cake warm or cold. Top with a scoop of ice cream or hot chocolate sauce. Honestly we ate ours just the way it is. Looking for more eggless cakes then do check eggless banana walnut cake, eggless banana muffins, eggless banana cake, eggless. Serve the Eggless Chocolate Banana Cake with scoop of ice cream drizzled with caramel sauce over it.