Cara mudah memasak Eggless banana cake enak dan Sederhana

aneka,resep masakan lezat.

Eggless banana cake. Whole Wheat Banana cake with video and step by step photos. Dust it with some powdered sugar or enjoy as such with a cup of coffee! This is the perfect snack cake to enjoy when you crave something sweet. I made a rich and fancy eggless banana cake for my eldest son's birthday this year and it turned out to be the best banana cake recipe ever! How to make eggless chocolate banana cake recipe.

Eggless banana cake Eggless Banana Cake - I can tell you that this cake is super moist and soft, with full of banana flavours. This eggless banana cake is going to be one of the best banana cake recipes ever. After tapping, garnish the banana cake eggless with your choice of nuts and dry fruits. Anda bisa memasak Eggless banana cake menggunakan 10 bahan dan 3 langkah. Begini cara membuat Eggless banana cake yang bagus.

Bahan-bahan Eggless banana cake

  1. Persiapkan of Bahan. :.
  2. Siapkan 300 gr of pisang matang(saya 200 gr pisang dan 100 gr tape).
  3. Siapkan 125 gr of gula putih.
  4. Siapkan 150 ml of minyak goreng.
  5. Anda perlu 175 gr of tepung terigu.
  6. Siapkan 1/2 sdt of bp.
  7. Anda perlu 1/4 sdt of soda kue.
  8. Siapkan 1/2 sdt of air jeruk nipis.
  9. Siapkan slice of Kacang almond.
  10. Anda perlu of Coklat chip.

Where are all my banana lovers at? This Eggless Banana Cake is one of the easiest recipes you're going to make all year long! About Eggless Banana Cake Recipe: Nice and nutty with the creamy flavour of banana, aroma of cinnamon and goodness of walnuts, this teatime treat is a delight. This is a super easy eggless cake.

Step by Step Memasak Eggless banana cake

  1. Haluskan pisang dan tape menggynakan garpu,,,beri gula pasir,,,aduk sbnyk 3 kali saja.
  2. Masuk an minyak goreng aduk rata,,,cmpr jadi satu tepung terigu,,bp,sodakue,,aduk rata. Masukan kedalam adonan pisang,,aduk asal rata,,,tdk usah lama2 spy tidak bantat kuenya,,,taruh adonan dalam loyang,,,tabur almond dan coklat chip,,.
  3. Panggang suhu 180 derajat selama 40 mnt,,,angkat dinginkan,,,sajikan sbg camilan penunggu hujan,,,,,he.he....

I always buy banana as its the only fruit other than apple my kid eat. He likes it only when it is just ripe and if its over ripen, no You can thaw it in microwave and bake this eggless chocolate banana cake. Whisk pureed bananas, milk and butter together. (It is important that the pureed bananas are smooth and Eggless cakes fare poorly when you try to bake them in deep/high dishes instead of flat, as. I really like making cakes and I like sharing them with others. Eggless Banana Cake recipe is eggless and vegan too!