Eggless Cake Pisang (Banana Cake). finally, serve the eggless banana cake or store in airtight container. Subscribe to our Youtube ChannelClick here to Subscribe our Youtube Channel and stay updated with our latest. This eggless banana cake is super moist, not very sweet and perfect way to celebrate this Mother's Day. One bowl cake recipe of delicious whole wheat banana cake which is eggless as well as vegan. A quick and easy recipe which gives light, soft and moist Banana cake has been his favorite cake since childhood.
He said its one of the best banana cakes that he has had and it reminded him of the.
Banana cake recipe - Delicious, soft & moist banana cake recipe with video.
Best banana cake made in bakery style - so fluffy and light.
Anda bisa membuat Eggless Cake Pisang (Banana Cake) menggunakan 7 bahan dan 7 langkah. Begini cara membuat Eggless Cake Pisang (Banana Cake) yang baik.
Bahan-bahan Eggless Cake Pisang (Banana Cake)
- Anda perlu 150 gr of Pisang Kupas Matang (kepok).
- Persiapkan 60 gr of Gula pasir.
- Anda perlu 87 of Tepung Terigu.
- Persiapkan 75 gr of Minyak sayur.
- Anda perlu 1/2 sdt of baking powder.
- Anda perlu 1/4 sdt of baking soda.
- Persiapkan Secukupnya of vanila essense.
Banana cake recipe with video & step by step photos - One of our family favorite cake, that is made repeatedly for many reasons. Have over-ripe bananas sitting in the counter and bored of preparing the same old banana bread once again? Eggless Banana Cake Recipe, Learn how to make Eggless Banana Cake (absolutely delicious recipe of Eggless Banana This is a super easy eggless cake recipe that you can bake for a party as well as casually with family on a weekend. This Eggless Banana Cake recipe is Excellent and find more.
Langkah-langkah Memasak Eggless Cake Pisang (Banana Cake)
- Panaskan Oven yaa aku make oven tangkring jd dikira2 suhunya, api sedang lebih kekecil.
- Haluskan pisang sampai halus, lalu tambahkan gula dan aduk pake whisk. Aduk sampai rata.
- Tambahkan essens vanilla dan minyak yaa aduk hingga rata make whisk jangan terlalu overmix ya.
- Tambahkan tepung, aduk lipat dengan spatula ya pokoknya rata gitu aja jangan sampe minyak mengendap ya soalnya kl ga rata jd bantet..
- Setelah aduk rata dengan spatula, tuang ke loyang tau cetakan.
- Lalu panggang, aku pake Oven tangkring ya, 20 menit rak atas uda mulai ngembang 😍, sisanya rak bawah sampe mateng yaa tes tusuk untuk tau mateng apa belum.
- Setelah matang cake pisang siap disajikan, rasanya moist.
Did you scroll all this way to get facts about eggless banana cake? Well you're in luck, because here they come. Eggless Banana Cake is a spongy and mouth-watering sweet snack cum dessert recipe that you can prepare for your family and friends on any occasion, and they will love it for sure! This cake recipe is made using all-purpose flour, yoghurt, condensed milk, banana, vanilla essence, and baking powder. Eggless cakes fare poorly when you try to bake them in deep/high dishes instead of flat, as they dont have eggs to help them rise.